"Fire in the Mountains" is a family drama set in the rural mountaintops where a working class mother toils to save money for her wheelchair-bound son's treatment. Her efforts are thwarted by her abusive husband, who believes a fire ritual holds the cure.
I collaborated with director Ajitpal Singh to create the poster for its 2021 premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.
Fire in the Mountains
JAR Pictures
Ajitpal Singh (Writer, Director)
Alan McAlex (Producer)
A key art concept was developed by referencing a poignant frame in which the character of the mother helps her son down a hilly path by carrying him on her back.
The element of fire that plays a role in the ritual is referenced with a burning flower.
The final poster combined the visual of the mother and child against the backdrop of the mountains they call home, with an overall red colour theme to signify tension, and a burning flower to indicate the unique familial bond.